School breaks in just over 3 weeks and then Summertime hits! Planning to get away for a while, or just a short stint? Either way, prep your house so that while you’re away, you don’t have to worry about things on the home front.
Here are some things you can do to prep your home for your summertime absence:
- Have someone collect your mail regularly, and stop all newspaper deliveries.
- Leave your car in your garage, and have a neighbour park on your driveway to make the house look busy from time to time.
- Put on light on a timer.
- Ask a neighbour to mow your lawn regularly, and water it too.
- Even if they’re empty, have your bins for garbage, recycling and food compost put out for collection.
- Ask a neighbour to remove flyers from your door that so often get left there.
- Don’t have a motion-activated light at your front and back door? Install one.
- Unplug all small appliances-though they’re little, they still drain over time.
- Turn off the water to your dishwasher, washing machine and all sinks. We’ve heard too many stories where the Universe is seemingly against you and your house decides to have a water leak or a pipe breaks in your absence.
- If your water heater has a vacation mode, turn it on.
- Set your house temperature to be similar to outdoor temperatures.
- Check your smoke detectors.
- Let your alarm company know you’re out of town. Ditto with your bank.
- Throw your old food away otherwise you will come home to fruit flies everywhere.
- Run and empty your dishwasher before you leave.
Anything else we’ve missed?! Let us know what tips you do before you take off on holiday and we will add it to our list! Where are your summer adventures taking you?